
Querying into individual delegators

The following endpoints return all kinds of useful information (e.g. rewards, performance, metadata) about a delegator in the requested time-frame.

Single delegator summary

This endpoint returns high level information about a delegator over the time period such as their network penetration, rewards, annual percentage rate (APR), paid commissions, and the aggregate effectiveness of their validator delegates.

Here's how to interpret the inputs required to operate it 👇



Window of the aggregation, with 1d, 7d, 30d and all being the supported values

Multiple delegator summary

Similar to the Single delegator summary but returns the summary stats for all delegators.

Here's how to interpret the inputs required to operate it 👇



Window of the aggregation, with 1d, 7d, 30d and all being the supported values


From a specific delegator's ranking based on their order in terms of network_penetration


The number of results included per page

Delegator rewards

This endpoint returns information about the rewards received by a delegator and the rewards it has missed out on over a number of checkpoints. The rewards can be broken down at a per checkpoint level or daily level as well.

Here's how to interpret the inputs required to operate it 👇



Starting (highest) checkpoint (integer, e.g. 54000) or UTC date (e.g. from=“2023-11-22”)


Ending (lowest) checkpoint (integer, e.g. 52922) or UTC date (e.g. from=“2023-10-31”)


The size of time increments you are looking to query. Can be checkpoint or day


The number of results included per page

Last updated